Corner of the Beach Historical Society

Historical museum on the site of what was St. Luke's Church.

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Annual General Meeting Aout/Aug 23 2017

1. Those present were asked to sign the Attendance Record.

2. Recording Secretary, Pat Vibert.

3. The Agenda was read and approved by Sheila O’Reilly, seconded by Ann MacMillan.

4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Annual Meeting held July 22, 2016, was deferred to the next annual meeting.

5. Business from the previous meeting. Postponed.

6. President’s report.  No report available.

7. Treasurer’s Report presented by Ian MacMillan. Cash in bank $1,519.12. Funds raised $7,130.09. Total $8,649.21. Expenses as described as in Report.

Discussion followed as to whether or not to consider having the piano overhauled after which it could remain at Pierre Pouliot’s until the spring at which time it would be returned to the Museum.

A motion by Ajay Heble, seconded by Janet Harvey, that the piano be transported to Gaspe and stored for the winter.

Discussion took place regarding whether fundraising should take place for a specific need or should we maintain a general fundraising approach. It was agreed to maintain a general approach.

Discussion followed as to whether or not to consider having the piano overhauled after which it could remain at Pierre Pouliot’s until the spring at which time it would be returned to the Museum.

On a motion by Ajay Heble, seconded by Janet Harvey, that the piano be transported to Gaspe and have repairs done (approx $500.) and stored for the winter.

General discussion took place re-city garbage tax.

General discussion took place re-student funding.

General discussion took place re-timeliness of student funding by the Federal Government.

A motion was moved by Sheila O’Reilly, seconded by Ann MacMillan to accept the information as presented.

8. Membership Report. To date, 20 out of 50 members have paid their membership.

Communication: Members email addresses will be entered on the website and notification will be sent if something has been added to the website. i.e. time to renew membership email.

Lauren Ceaser is responsible for the website. (

Continuing with the issue of membership, the possibility of a Membership Coordinator was raised with the intent of increasing the number of members. The term “member” was questioned as was the phrase “membership drive”.

The possibility of contracting with the government regarding the number of weeks a student could be engaged would provide the possibility of the student fulfilling that role. It was agreed to explore the total number of weeks a student could be available and have that reflected in the proposal.

Those present were informed that the society now has access to accounting support provided by Deborah Clatworthy who is a CPA and an associate of Earl Mabe.

On a motion by Sunny Vibert, seconded by Ian MacMillan, it was agreed to send Deborah a photo of Corner of the Beach.

A review of 2016 events took place as well as a review of 2017 events. These included music concerts, improv music camp, and Wednesday afternoon cultural sessions.

Discussion: Apparently there was a concert poster which showed the American Confederate flag. This resulted in a statement against attendance to events at the Cultural Museum. It was agreed to be more astute in the future.

The inaugural concert was a great success. There was a suggestion to have a “Thinking” meeting re-ideas for next summer.

There was a general discussion which took place regarding accessibility. The city of Perce has boardwalk which can be made available to us. We would need to prepare the ground in advance and be prepared to arrange for transportation.

The building is still in need of upgrades including ceiling fans, additional lights, plug-ins, dimmer switches, and bathrooms. A brainstorming session re-long term needs would be beneficial. could be of assistance in regards to our needs. Sunny will look into this suggestion.

To date, the Quilt Exhibition has raised $1,915.

Meeting adjourned